A Crucial Step Towards Addressing Alcohol and Other Drug Harm in Australia
Keep up to date with the latest on the campaign to #RethinkAddiction.
SBS: Chinese gamblers face support barriers in Australia
Dry July advice - How to tell people you’re not drinking
How to improve AOD services for CALD communities
National Volunteer Week: The AOD Change Makers
International Nurses Day: Celebrating our AOD nurses
Gambling on the agenda as NSW election looms
Untoxicated: Celebrating Sydney WorldPride alcohol-free
DanceWize: The peer led harm reduction service at music festivals
The Stories Project: Gathering stories across the NT
ABC: Drug, alcohol and smoking addiction costing Australia billions, new report shows
Croakey: Cost of addiction in Australia highlights urgent need for investment in drug reform
The Salvation Army: 'It's time to change the conversation'
ABC: Alcohol had become my security blanket. Quitting drinking has changed my life
2GB: Thousands wait for drug & alcohol treatment
Croakey: Culture and community: supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in recovery
ABC: Thousands are waiting for drug and alcohol treatment. For Chloe, the long wait for help almost
Croakey: “This conference is different — so many tears”: Reflections on Rethink Addiction
Herald Sun: $6m lost a day: Victoria’s 10 worst pokies hotspots
Croakey: Australian politicians urged to find the political courage to reform alcohol and drug laws