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Has a lived experience of addiction


“CONTENT WARNING: Please note that some stories may highlight themes of suicide, domestic violence and/or assault. These themes have not been removed to remain true to our storytellers lived experiences.
I used my first drug (alcohol) at 14 to stop the bullies. I joined a local gang and became accepted. Over 33 years of doing drugs (of every form), I found myself for the fourth time wanting to take my own life. I had been in jail many times, lived on streets many times and seen many deaths including the suicide of my son's mother.

I have now been in recovery for nearly 10 years and work to help others recognise their patterns before it gets too much. I have completed two degrees and have worked in rehabs.

Not enough room to tell you more but there is so much more to my story.

I have now been clean for nearly 10 years and work helping others recognise their patterns before it gets too much. I have two degrees and have worked in rehabs.

Not enough room to tell you more but there is so much more to my story.

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