Group Facilitator

Ten years married, beautiful daughter, employment, mortgage, great friends and family…then it was gone. Drinking, gambling and drugs had all finally caught up with me and those I loved.
What had always been viewed as “a bit of fun” had ruined my life. Looking back, addiction in one form or another had always controlled my life but I would have told you I was in control. That couldn’t be further from the truth, the whole time an addict had been staring back at me in the mirror.
Rehab gave me the break I needed. 3 months to just concentrate on me, forget about the outside world and connect with 12 step recovery. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually broken by the time I got there and with no idea what to expect my life found purpose. Those questions of “who am I and how did it get to this?” were beginning to become clearer but still the answers continue to evolve.
Now 5 years abstinent and with a career helping others living with addiction life has turned around. I’ve turned around. Things aren’t perfect but I’m okay with that and it’s far better than the alternative.